Thursday 28 February 2013

BAT TMC IS TT Contest 2013

The BAT Toastmasters Club International Speech and Table Topics Contest for the year 2013 yesterday and the event was a successful one indeed, with guests and participants from various clubs as well as support from non-club members for the contestants! A big thank you to all members that have contributed to ensuring the contest is a success.
Group photo of the attendees to BAT TMC 2013 International Speech and Table Topics Contest
We were honored to have Geoff Andrew, DTM from KL Advanced / Premieree Advanced TMC as our Chief Judge for this contest. Besides that we also have honorary guest, Francis Ng, DTM from Money Mastery TMC as well as Rueben Raja, CC from Bangsar TMC. 

Guests started arriving as early as 11.30am for lunch and a bit of get to know each other with the club members. Food and drinks were served immediately and though they certainly looked good, but unfortunately, perhaps due to butterflies in stomach for the contestants, there was plenty left after the contest.

Geoff Andrew, DTM meeting the club members and other guests

Our Area Governor, discusses some final details with Joel before the contest begins

Vick, cool and relaxed

Some of the role players for the day
At 12.00pm, the Sergeant-At-Arms for the day, Mohammad Towhidul Islam, TM called the meeting to order with some briefing on house rules. The SAA then invited the Organizing Chair, Joel Wee, TM, whom started the contest with his welcoming speech to the excitement of all attendees. This is followed promptly with Richard Ng, TM taking over as the Contest Chair for International Speech. 

And the contest begins!
Both the International Speech contestants are seasoned speakers and they are none other than our club president, Lee Han Ther, CC and Vicknaeswaran Sundararaju, TM.  Speeches went underway in no time. 

Vicknaeswaran Sundararaju, TM - Speech Title : Please Vote!
Everyone had a 5-minute break after the International Speech contest is completed. And the SAA then called upon the Table Topics Contest Chair, Goh Ser Yoong, TM to kick-start the next contest. After briefings are done on the contest rules, the contestants are escorted out to the waiting area by SAAs while the first contestant, Masheed Ahmad, TM remained. Topics was chosen by the Chief Judge from 5 auspicious CNY packets and the 4 contestants soon took their turns to squeeze their brain in the effort to answer the statement to their best ability. 

Goh Ser Yoong, TM as the Contest Chair proceeded with briefing on the rules for the Table Topics Contest
The topic is being read out as Masheed waited in anticipation
Masheed, TM in action
Kamala, TM as the second contestant
Andy, TM fires away 
Chu Beng, TM as the last contestant
And finally, when both the contests are completed, judges voted, ballot counters collected, the results are out! 

International Speech Contest Winner  : Lee Han Ther, CC
Lee Han Ther, CC - International Speech Club Contest 2013 Winner

Table Topics Contest Winner               : Masheed Ahmad, TM

Masheed Ahmad, TM - Tables Topics Club Contest 2013 Winner
Again, congratulations to both our club contest winner for their entertaining speech. Looking forward to their performance during the Area E1 contest, happening on 20th March 2013 (Wednesday) at Resource Center, Enterprise 4, Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil. May Han Ther and Masheed bring glory and trophies back to our club! (More info on the area contest coming up soon, so do watch this space) 

Check out the rest of the photos below taken during the contest : 
Let the contest begin!

Table Topics Contest Trophies
International Speech Contest Trophies 

Timer, are you ready?

Richard Ng, TM - Contest Chair for International Speech Contest

Does it look like CK is getting ready to do Gangnam style? 

The remaining table topics contestant waiting for their turn to go in
International Speech Contestants
Table Topics Contestants
Sergeant At Arms for the day - Mohammad Towhidul Islam, TM
2013 ISTT Contestants Group Photo
Timers for the day
Richard Ng, TM receiving appreciation as International Speech Contest Chair
Goh Ser Yoong, TM receiving appreciation as Table Topics Contest Chair
Joel Wee, TM receiving appreciation from the club president as the Organizing Chair
Geoff Andrew, DTM receiving the token of appreciation from the Organizing Chair

The dynamic ballot counters for the day
Kamala, TM grabs the 1st runner up spot in the Table Topics Contest
Vicknaeswaran, TM receive his award as the 1st runner up in the International Speech contest

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