Wednesday 10 April 2013

District 51 Divsion E International Speech Contest and Table Topics Contest
Dear Toastmasters and friends,

Come witness top notch Toastmasters speakers battling it out to become the Champion of Division E International Speech Contest & Table Topics Contests! Mark the date…Be There!

Saturday, 20th April 2013

12pm Registration, Refreshments & Briefing (Contestants & Roleplayers) 1.30pm Contest Start
Where? Theatrette, Block B Area A,
Open University Malaysia (OUM)
Jalan Tun Ismail, 50480 Kuala Lumpur

Click here for image ->

Click ->

Flyer ?
Click ->

Any queries?

Feel free to contact our Division Governor Robert Ram 013-3084321 or Organizing Chair & Area E1 Governor Odett Liew 012-6738674

This is an opportunity not to be missed!

See you all there!

Monday 1 April 2013

Area E1 ISTT Contest 2013 : And Our Champions Are.....

The Area E1 ISTT Toastmasters Contest hosted by our club has been successfully concluded 2 weeks back. It was the first area contest hosted by BAT TMC club and this event would not have been successful without the help of all the organizing committee members' effort and contribution. 
Welcome to the Area E1 ISTT Toastmasters Contest 
Agenda for the day
Without further ado, let's begin with some photos of the pre-contest dinner provided as well as the guests, contestants and organizing members enjoying their meals, catching up and preparing for their speech. 

The contest hall
The mighty SAAs hard at work
Our President chipping in despite being one of the contestants.. Bravo!
Contestants assessing the stage and preparing for their speeches
Everyone assessing the venue and finalizing last minute details
Guests, members and contestants all having pre-contest dinner and catch-up before the contest starts.
Guests, members and contestants all having pre-contest dinner and catch-up before the contest starts.
Certificate of participations.. Checked!

Lights... Checked!
STOP sign... Checked!
Dinner Meal box - Nasi Kandar anyone?
Vegetarian meals included as well as fruits and water
Genie's in the house!
Trophies and gifts... Checked!

Contestants... Checked!

Audience.... Ready. Let the contest begins!
The contest begins slightly behind schedule with the Organizing Chair, Goh Ser Yoong, TM calling the meeting to order. Without further ado, the OC welcomes everyone and invited BAT TMC club sponsor, Rainer Lippert up the stage for his opening address.

This proceeds then with the International Speech Contest Chair, Jasvin Kaur, TM being invited up the stage to begin the International Speech contests. Now for some photos of the contestants in action:

Visalatchmy Apparavoo, contestant from Shell
Visa : Have you seen her? 
Visa in action
Jayakartini Jayakumar, contestant from DHL

Lee Han Ther, CC from BAT TMC is the Genie!
Han Ther : He's also Superman?
Han Ther : I see you!
Johan Irwan, contestant from MMU TMC 
Johan Irwan : Do you agree everyone? 
After the International Speech contest ended, all guests took 10 minutes break. Next up, the Table Topics contest. Peter Yeoh, the contest chair for Table Topics kick-started things swiftly, inviting Robert Ram, DTM the Chief Judge for the contest up the stage to select the table topic for the day. 

Peter starting the Table Topics contest session
Peter inviting Robert Ram to choose a topic for the Table Topics contest
Teh Tian Yan, contestant from Shell in action
Johan Irwan, contestant from MMU TMC for Table Topics as well 
Anantha Narayanan Narayanan, contestant from DHL 
Masheed Ahmad, BAT TMC Club contestant
Steven Yong, contestant from Dell in action
And finally, after both contests ended, the results are out... and the Champions are.....

For Table Topics Contest
2nd Runner Up for Table Topics Contest : Teh Tian Yan, from Shell TMC
1st Runner Up, Masheed Ahmad from BAT TMC club!  Well done Masheed! 
Champion for Area E1 ISTT Contest : Steven Yong from Dell TMC

For International Speech Contest
2nd Runner Up for International Speech contest : Johan Irwan from MMU TMC
1st Runner Up for International Speech contest : Jayakartini Kumar, from DHL TMC
Finally, the Winner and Champion of the International Speech contest for Area E1 is none other than our club President, Lee Han Ther!
The club members would like to take this opportunity to wish both Han Ther and Masheed all the best in the Division level contest as well as to other contestants as well representing their area.

Lastly, would like to finish this entry with the group photos of a nothing less than exciting event completed! Stay tune to BAT TMC blog!

Group photo of all the International Speech as well as Table Topics contestants together with the respective Contest Chairs 
Group Photo of all Role Players for the event
Group photo of BAT Toastmasters Club, a first as the Area E1 contest organizer, with hope of many more successful ones to come as well.
Other photos of the contest:

All trophies and gifts and certificates

Mohd Towhidul, running through the agenda 

SAA Marvin Miod, TM : I object!
Enjoying the meal while catching up
Thanks to our photographer of the day, Abdul Matin Jalil, TM for the great photos
Visa from Shell TMC with Teh Tian Yan on stage
Different ways of preparing the mind for the contest can be seen throughout the contest
And when I say different ways, it includes technology as well
Our BAT representatives, Masheed Ahmad and Lee Han Ther : Any last minute tips for me? 
All right everyone, are you ready?
Where's everyone going? 
Organizing Chair and Contest Chair sync-up 
Serious discussion going on
Our Table Topics Contest Chair, Peter Yeoh, ACG CL
Contest Chairs briefings
Our International Speech Contest Chair, Jasvin Kaur, TM

Can I go first? Sure, by all means.. :)
All smiles outside, feeling jittery instead inside? 
Peter Yeoh, ACG CL explaining the rules 
Yes, how may I help you? 
Our President, Lee Han Ther, CC all smiles
Steven Yong, from Dell TMC
Masheed Ahmad, TM
Some of the BAT TMC members having a chat before contest begins

BAT TMC Club Sponsor, Rainer Lippert
Rainer with his PA, Nicole Tang

Certificate of Participation to Lee Han Ther for International Speech
Certificate of Participation to Visa for International Speech
Certificate to Steven Yong for International Speech
Certificate of Participation to Jayakartini for International Speech
Certificate of Participation to Johan for International Speech
Certificate of Participation to Anantha for International Speech
Certificate of Participation to Johan for Table Topics
Certificate of Participation to Teh Tian Yan for Table Topics
Certificate of Participation to Steven Yong for Table Topics
Certificate of Participation to Masheed Ahmad for Table Topics

Certificate of Appreciation to Jagkiren Kaur, from T-Systems TMC for being the Timer
Certificate of Appreciation to Koh Tuan Hui, from Shell TMC for being the Timer
Certificate of Appreciation to Jasvin Kaur, from BAT TMC for being the International Speech Contest Chair
Certificate of Appreciation to Peter Yeoh, from BAT TMC for being the Table Topics Contest Chair
Special appreciation to Richard Ng Chic Khan for helping out on Publicity
Certificate of Appreciation to Mohammad Towhidul Islam, from BAT TMC for being one of the SAAs on duty
Certificate of Appreciation to Joel Wee, from BAT TMC for being one of the SAAs on duty
Certificate of Appreciation to Marvin Christian Miod, from BAT TMC for being one of the SAAs on duty
Certificate of Appreciation to Abdul Matin Jalil, from BAT TMC for being one of the SAAs on duty
Certificate of Appreciation to Goh Ser Yoong, from BAT TMC for being the Organizing Chair
Area Governor, Odett Liew providing some air time on the Division level contest
Tuan Hui provided some air time as well on the Away Day event organized by Shell TMC

Certificate of Appreciation to Shelby Elizabeth, from MMU TMC for being one of the Ballot Counters
Certificate of Appreciation to Sara Ajmal, from UM TMC for being one of the Ballot Counters
Certificate of Appreciation to Fatima Ajmal, from UM TMC for being one of the Ballot Counters
Gifts and certificates presented to all judges via Chief Judge, Robert Ram, DTM

Compliments given by Robert Ram to Shell TMC and overall Area E1 for being one of the top area with most DCP points
Thank you everyone for coming 
Arrangement in process for group photo