Thursday 25 July 2013

Club Meeting #33 - 24 July 2013

Another fun-filled club meeting was held at the Dunhill Room. Our guests this time included Past Area G3 Governor, Chan Siew Peng ACS ALB, who gracefully accepted our invitation to be the General Evaluator; and Joseph Wong CC (VPE II, TAR College TMC) who delivered a very entertaining project speech from the Advanced Communication Series' Storytelling manual.

Three club members delivered their project speeches yesterday:
- Tan Soon Shuen did a wonderful Ice-breaker speech on her nomadic growing up years (for those of you who missed her speech, go ask her). Of course, she received a standing ovation at the end.
- Andy Yeoh  nears the completion of his Competent Communication manual by delivering an informative Project 8 (Getting Comfortable with Visual Aids) on "The Human Life Cycle".
- IPP Lee Han Ther CC completed his final project from the Advanced Communcation Series' Special Occasion Speeches manual with an unusual take on "Speaking in Praise": he delivered an eulogy on himself!

Club President, Richard Ng CC, delivering the Opening Address.

Our no-nonsense General Evaluator, Chan Siew Peng ACS ALB, delivered a meticulous, concise evaluation on all aspects of the club meeting. Thank you, Siew Peng!

The Table Topics session was expertly handled by our VP (Education) Goh Ser Yoong, and the new deck of Table Topics cards purchased from Toastmasters International was put to good use.

The Evaluation session proved as entertaining and educational as the Prepared Speeches and Table Topics sessions, as the participants learn from more experienced speakers on what they did well, and areas where they can improve on in future speeches.

Peter Yeoh ACG CL evaluating Lee Han Ther CC's speech

Timer, Brajesh Kumar - who derived great pleasure from sounding the "Death Bell" at any recalcitrant project speaker who chose to ignore his red light.

Tan Li Li, our very interesting Ah-Counter - she only counted each speaker's speech crutches up to 7. She then "disqualifies" them. Thanks, Li Li, for making us laugh!

There were some special awards given out, including Half CC ribbons to Lim Chu Beng and Andy Yeoh for completing more than 5 CC projects.

Congratulations to our IPP, Lee Han Ther, on obtaining his Advanced Communicator Bronze award. Well done!

Look forward to seeing everyone at the next Club Meeting!

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